
Friday, July 23, 2010

SALT Review

"Today a Russian agent will travel to New York to kill the president..." - Orlov to Evelyn Salt

And also today a half American/half Polynesian will travel to Stadium Cinemas and have 2 hours of his life stolen from him.

Salt. The dinner table staple. The golden standard of food seasoning. The better half of pepper. Yes salt as you know it...should be angry. Because tonight Phillip Noyce and Angelina Jolie have ruined the good name of salt everywhere with their action/spy hack job 'SALT'.

The lead up to this movie was good. The trailers introduced a possible new twist on the already flooded spy movie market when they teased us with an accusation thrown pointedly at an American agent...claiming that she was in fact a traitorous Russian operative. Well, I hope y'all enjoyed that moment in the trailers because the movie is a lack-luster throw-together that is so painfully predictable that you almost don't want your predictions to be right during the film.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Despicable Me Review

"It's so fluffy I'm gonna DIE!" - Agnes (Despicable Me)

Villainy has never been this cute. Of course most villains don't adopt three sweet little girls to help do their evil bidding either. This animated original that has been a hot ticket at the box-office takes it's place as possibly the 'baddest' - in the 'goodest' sense of the word - animated film of the year so far. Not too 'bad' either considering the number of proven animated powerhouse sequels that have already hit theaters.

As if to prove to the world that originality trumps all, 'Despicable Me' is racing up the charts toward a potential takedown of the money-making animated giants 'Shrek: Forever After' and 'Toy Story 3' as this years best family film. I'm torn between this movie and 'How to Train Your Dragon' as my animated favorites up to this point in 2010.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Inception Review

"Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange." - Cobb (DiCaprio) in 'Inception'

Have you ever been in a really good dream that seemed like it got better and better the longer you were in it? Have you ever felt that despair that comes from the realization that you had just woken up from that dream? Or felt that surreal sensation throughout the day that makes you wonder if that was a dream after all?

The phenomenon that is the movie 'Inception' is the big screen equilvalent of being inside that awe-inspiring dreamworld that captivates you as you sit motionlessly watching it unfold before your eyes. Christopher Nolan-the directive mind behind the 'Batman: The Dark Knight'- dishes us another reason to believe that he is in fact the most brilliant director this side of Spielberg. 'Inception' combines several cinematic ingredients together to create a movie that will not only define this summer of '10, but will also make a strong case for less 3-D sequals and more original movie ideas. Nolan and his wife to their credit not only directed the film, but wrote the screenplay and script. The brainchild of Nolan, 'Inception' became a possibility after the huge success of 'The Dark Knight'. The Big Screen hasn't had a creative idea like this since 'The Matrix'...and quite possibly has never had a creative idea like this in a PG-13 movie EVER.


2010. We blast into a 3-Dimensional new decade. We expect little yet hope for changes that will define this leg of the century as 'unique'. With the 1910s being as forgettable a decade as there could have been in the last century; we find ourselves poised now in 2010 to be just as insignificant as the 1910s or to set the golden standard for the rest of the century by making a bigger splash than the 2000s least in a cinematic sense.

The 2000s led us into a new age of Cinema...a Special Effects age: A decade where no idea was deemed impossible on the grounds of technology (The Matrix, Star Wars Episodes 2 & 3, Avatar, Transformers) ...a Saga age: A decade where sequals and trilogies were Big Tickets (The LOTR, Shrek, X-Men, The Bourne and Ocean's series)...a Comic age: A decade where superheros and superhuman teams brought down villains and moviehouses around the globe (Spiderman, Batman and a thousand other caped crusaders)...a Novel age: A decade where poplular literature teamed up with the Hollywood to lure the world and a billion screaming teenage girls into fanatacism (The LOTR, Harry Potter, Twilight).

All-in-all the 2000s changed the way we go to the movies. We are just hitting the mid-point of the 2010 Summer Blockbuster and we're seeing how Hollywood wants to play this one 3-D. That's the first big movie movement of this age of Cinema and as a regular Movie-Goer this year my movie experience has been a roller coaster of high points and stomach-churning low points (Prince of Persia currently holds the title for Biggest Burnout of 2010).

Much like the political scene in the country, Movies are polarizing to the degree that there is little or no middle ground at the box-office. Either Movies are Exceptional or they are Flops. This could be because Studios are trying to cash in on the 3-D craze and are kicking films out the door like a couple of Jehovah's Witnesses. This 3-D momentum has alot of people wondering if we're being asked to pay big money to see the worst possible excuses for movies flying at our faces through the screen. Whatever the reason for the tidal wave of worthless flicks, I am still in hot pursuit of a good movie...and on occasion this year I've even been to a Great movie. That said, I want to talk Movies!

Here at MovieMob we hope to hear the opinions of all types of Movie-goers. This blog is designed for Movie-Lovers to help other Movie-Lovers make informed decisions at the ticket counter in an effort to save poor suckers like Me from having to watch Clash of the Titans for $11.50 (3-D plastic glasses must be expensive to make). To help us see the movies we want and should see and avoid being 'Marketed' to a movie that's Teaser Trailer is more entertaining than the movie itself. The goal of this blog is to write reviews on the movies as they hit the box-office and hopefully get feedback from those with differing opinions and tastes.
Let's Talk Movies!

I'll rate movies on the blog on a 1-100 star scale (in honor of the Flight of the Conchords)...100 stars of course being 'the bombshiznit' and 1 star being 'GI Joe: Rise of the Cobra' or the movie equivalent of a cow turd (see below for example).

This blog entry= 23/100 stars
